It took us a while to do it, but we did and will continue to do it. HitLetter was just an idea till January 2009, it has been in the works since then. It took till May 'cos every one involved had his neck in the noose of one hustle or the other. HitLetter is here now and pledges to stay in your face like sweat pores, be on point like decimals with word on the Urban Music scene and its Business, juicy in everything we've got to serve you with. We intend to enlighten people more about the Music Business.

This is our blog page to keep the online presence, where you can catch us at the click of your Artificial Intelligence otherwise known as computers. However, we'll always have our fly hard copy print versions so you should always look out for it, or request for your copy and we'll get it across to you, somehow. And of course it is FREE, making it very accessible to all and also the reason why you should advertise your business with us.

We reach people of the following class; students, upwardly mobile youths, music lovers, executives in entertainment industry and other sectors etc. Can we reach your target market?

Most likely! So keep reading and do send us your comments, we appreciate it!


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